Library Activities for Toddlers

0:07 - Great educational resource that is available to you and your children
0:25 - They've created programs that really encourage reading from a very early age
1:13 - Most local libraries will offer an array of programs on a weekly basis
1:41 - This really helps with social development at a young age

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Hi everyone. Harper Jones with Bow Tiger, and you are watching Saturdays with Harper. I'm here today at my local library to discuss this great educational resource that is available to you and your children. Ah now, up until a few years ago, the library was not a place thought of for babies. Ah babies are loud, libraries are quiet. Babies move around a lot, libraries don't want that.

But they've actually sort of opened up their doors to creating programs for your baby as soon as you get home from the hospital. Ah more specifically, they've created programs that really encourage reading from a very, very early age. So, directly bringing your baby home from the hospital, something you can do to bond with your child would definitely be reading, and you can get those books at your local library. Now between the ages of one and three are toddler years. This is an excellent, excellent resource for you guys.

You can take your toddler here to let them pick out books on their own. You can take your toddlers here to read to them and pick your own books out. You can also get a lot of ah development books on baby development which can be very very useful to you as a new parent, or recurring parent. Ah then you can also do educational videos. There's a lot of fun arts and crafts a lot of the time going on at the library.

And then my favorite part is the different programs that they have available. Most local libraries will offer an array of programs ah, on a weekly basis. They typically run for a session, maybe six to eight weeks. But these programs range everything from storytelling to baby yoga to puppetry. Just a lot of things that you can involve your child in to let them feel sort of a sense of a community. This is also something that you can do with your toddler to have some really quality time with them.

And then additionally, this really helps with social development at a young age. If your child is or is not in preschool, ah this is a way for them to kind of interact with other children their own age and maybe not uhm quite as aggressively, if-- especially if you're the type of parent who wants to keep your child home. This is a nice way to introduce them socially to other kids their age. Ah now my local library does offer tons of programs, and if you guys want to check out your local library, I'm sure you can go online, go on to their webpage and check out the children's section. Just see what they have to offer, and I guarantee you're going to find a lot of free and available resources for your toddler ages one through three.

Ah now if you're watching this blog on Facebook or Youtube like you do every week, I'd ask that you also check out our other vlogs on and we'll see you next week guys! Thanks.


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