Interview with Susan Urban of Parental Love

Today's spotlight features Susan Urban. Susan is a wife and a mother of 2 beautiful daughters - 4-year-old Alice and nearly 2-year old Sandra. Becoming a mother made her realize parenting is definitely not as easy as it had seemed so she decided to share her experience with other parents in a series of guidebooks under the brand name of 'Parental Love'.

Susan was also gracious to offer our readers a special gift, keep reading to find out more.

When asked what is the inspiration behind her Ebooks and how she came to authoring such, Susan revealed that it was her husband that inspired her. He encouraged her to share her experiences and knowledge she gained from books she read and more importantly form actually being a mother, and pass it on to others in the most accessible form. It just so happened that her husband works in the IT field thus, the birth of her Ebooks

Susan's journey wasn't smooth. Both her daughters were low birth weight babies. The doctors advised her that additional formula feeding is necessary but Susan believed otherwise. She faced every possible problem relating to breastfeeding but with great support from her husband, she's proud to say that she nursed both her daughters exclusively for many months. This experience drove her to gain knowledge from serious source and inspired her to share it with other concerned parents.

What makes her stand out as an author is her short yet concise Ebooks. They contain everything a pregnant woman or a new mother needs. They are written in a clear way, without unnecessary sentences, with concise instructions, often in a question-answer form. There are many good books for parents available on the market but they are simply too long that you'd have to read the whole thing just to later write down the important points and summarize the book. As a parent herself, Susan knows and understands the importance of being able to read something quickly and get a simple solution to a specific problem sot that's exactly what she's providing. The fact that her guidebooks are in electronic form makes it even more accessible to just about everyone who has a smartphone, a computer or other e-reader gadget.

When asked what are the biggest mistakes that parents make and how to fix them, she said:

"When someone becomes a mom or dad for the first time, they are often lost and do not know how to deal with problems. Many parents think that they know exactly what is best for their child and do not accept any outside help. In my opinion, we should use the knowledge of people who are more experienced than we are and have some tried and proven methods. It can make things a lot easier for us, especially during the first most difficult period beginning with the arrival of a child into this world. That's why I encourage parents to read books, guidebooks and articles related to being a parent. It really helps!"

Susan's Ebooks contain all the most important information. Most topics are followed by detailed instructions and clear explanations that are simple enough for any parent to understand. Another plus is that these guidebooks are easy to read making it perfect for both first time and experienced moms as well as the supportive daddies.

For the coming year, Susan is planning to focus on writing another e-book for The Magical Power of Parental Love series. She's extremely grateful for the feedback from her readers who have trusted her. It gives her great satisfaction to be able to help others, inspiring her even more to add more guidebooks and to continue posting on the website and social media.

Susan shares her best breastfeeding tips:

  1. If you want to breastfeed be convinced that it will work!
  2. Get prepared! It really does make things easier. You can learn how to breastfeed only by actually doing it, but you can prepare yourself for it! Keep reading about it!
  3. Do not ask everyone around for advice. Each of them will have a different opinion and a different view on breastfeeding. It will only cause you uncertainty and confusion. Decide whose help will be best for you and ask your husband, mother, sister or midwife for support.
  4. Try all possible breastfeeding positions. Do not assume in advance which one will be the best. Only after trying out many of them, will you be able to say which one suits you and your child best.
  5. Remember that both you and your child are just learning. You have to learn to feed and your baby must learn to suck in such a way as to stimulate lactation, which is also something completely new to them. And learning takes time.

Finally, Susan shares additional information about herself and what she does.

"My educational background is garden designing. Currently, I am focused on raising my children and the skills that I acquired in design are helpful for running my website, which I was able to design and create from scratch, myself. I continue to improve it, make it more intuitive and easier to use. I encourage everyone to visit my site, where you can find tips with interesting and practical advice for pregnant women and parents, as well as my guidebooks in electronic form that can be downloaded at all possible formats."

There are currently four guidebooks available in The Magical Power Of Parental Love series:

  • 'How To Make Breastfeeding Pleasant And Easy'
  • 'How To Teach A Baby To Fall Asleep Alone'
  • 'How To Make Your Child Love Going Potty'
  • 'How To Create Order In Your Child's Room'

* Susan was kind enough to offer our customer an exclusive Buy One Get One deal where you could get any 2 of her guides for the price of one. simply enter NURTURERIGHT in the promo code field on the checkout page and you'll pay only for one guide.

For more information on Parental Love and Susan, you may visit her website at or email her at


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